"How-To" Videos

These videos illustrate basic GRIN-Global Curator Tools concepts and features. Also, check out the NPGS News & Training page which also has video recordings and presentations given during Q & A sessions.

Recordings of a Curator Tool 5-part series conducted in February, 2022 are listed below. After each session, participants were expected to complete a "homework" exercise which are also linked to below.

Note: the intended audience for these videos is a genebank's internal staff, unless otherwise indicated.

CT Webinar 1:
Recorded 2/22/22

CT Webinar 2:
Recorded 3/1/22

Adding Accessions; Acc. & Cooperator Wizards; Deleting Records; Lookups, Inventory (Part 1)
Homework after 2nd Session (.PDF)
Webinar Video (.mp4)
Session 2 Notes (.PDF)
Lookups (.PDF)
Cooperators (.PDF)
Inventory Part 1 (.PDF)

CT Webinar 3:
Recorded 3/8/22

Inventory (continuation) and Orders & Cooperators
Homework after 3rd Session (.PDF)
Webinar Video (.mp4)
Order Wizard Video (.mp4)

CT Webinar 4
Recorded 3/22/2022

Orders (continuation)
Discussed GG Codes & Groups; primarily covered the Order Wizard - how to add actions, attachments, accessions, and manually create orders.
Homework after 4th Session (.PDF)
Webinar Video (.mp4)

CT Webinar 5
Recorded 3/29/2022

Discussed GG's record ownership and assigning permissions using the Security Wizard. Also covered the Attachment Wizard and GG's ability to upload files. Lastly, we introduced running SQL queries and reports from the PW.
Homework after 4th Session (.PDF)
Webinar Video (.mp4)
Ownership & Permissions (.PDF)
Attachments (.PDF)

Curator Tool Interface Overview

This video provides a brief overview of the main Curator Tool window.

Resizing and Arranging Data Grid Columns

Similarities between Excel (and other spreadsheets) and the Curator Tool's datagrid are discussed.

Dataview Basics

Dataviews are the backbone for the Curator Tool. In this video, you will learn how to switch between dataviews as well as load additional dataviews that are not initially visible.

Using and Building Lists

Curator Tool users create lists to track and manage accessions, inventory, orders, etc. In this video, two kinds of lists are made: a static and a dynamic. The advantages of each are described. The video gives a brief intro to the Search Tool as well.

Codes and Code Groups

GRIN-Global uses many different code groups to facilitate data entry. Each code group has been designed for different purposes – sometimes though the same code group is used in more than one place within the GG system.

Creating a New Record

Learn how to create a new accession record.

Basics of Adding Many Records to the Curator Tool

You can easily copy many rows from a spreadsheet into the Curator Tool. By understanding the basics demonstrated in this video, you will be able to import any kind and any number of records into the Curator Tool.

Searching for a Range

You can search for a range of records, by specifying a beginning and ending criteria.

Order & Cooperator Wizard

Learn how to create new cooperator records when the web order request has been submitted by a new germplasm requestor. (Two cooperator records are created when the shipping address differs.)

Bulk Adding Names

You can easily copy data from a spreadsheet into GG. This video demonstrates how to "bulk add" many accession names records from a spreadsheet.

Public Website Overview

Video introduces the basics of the Public Website interface.You can easily copy data from a spreadsheet into GG.