Administrator Documents & Videos

Generally, in larger genebanks, the GRIN-Global (GG) database will be installed in a networked environment. Genebank staff will typically have the Curator Tool application installed on their PC and will connect to the remote GG server. Someone at the genebank, usually an IT person, will serve as the GG administrator and will be responsible for adding users, setting up permissions, etc. The documents in the table below are intended for these GG system administrators. They are expected to understand SQL queries, sometimes run SQL scripts, and use the GG Admin Tool and its various features.

Rarely (in smaller organizations), the entire GG software suite may be loaded on a stand-alone user PC. In this case, the PC owner may wear two hats: User and Administrator. The user's PC acts as a server, and the PC owner will need to set up user accounts, etc. There may be only one GG user set up, but nevertheless this is considered an administrative responsibility and is handled using the GG Admin Tool, installed on the user's PC.

Recent Additions
GG Administrators 2020 Webinar Series

Topic and Video List

Click on the link to open the file; scroll down on this page to read document descriptions.
Procedures for Preparing the Organization's Installation (.PDF)  (.docx)
Installation of the GG Server Components (.PDF)  (.docx)
Installation of the Curator Tool (.PDF)  (.docx)
Notes on Server Versions(.PDF)  (.docx)
Bug Report (.PDF)  (.docx)
Administrator Guide (.PDF) (.docx)
GRIN-Global Overview (.PDF) 
Source Habitat Observations & Descriptors (.PDF) (.docx)
Language Guide (.PDF) (.docx)
Cookbook for Data Importing Using the Import Wizard (.PDF) (.docx)
Administrator's Quick Guide for Adding Users (.PDF)  (.docx)
Administrator's Guide for Connecting Crystal Reports w/ GG Data (.PDF) (.docx)
Translating & Tools Guide (.PDF)(.docx)

Video: Dataview Editor Introduction

Procedures for Preparing the Organization's GG Installation

This document is currently divided into two main sections: the first section contains brief overviews to GG elements and links to other supporting documents which will be useful to any organization planning to test or implement GG and in setting up the database on the server; the second section focuses on the steps that should be taken for each PC that will be running the Curator Tool (the client application).
(.pdf) (.docx)

Installation of the GRIN-Global Components

Refer to the "Installation" section under the Documention menu option. Currently there are two primary installation procedures (1) Server Components, via the GG Updater program, and (2) Curator Tool (with the Search Tool). The guide linked here focuses on the server components only and is designed for GG administrators.
Server Installation Guide (.pdf) (.docx)

GRIN-Global Overview

System Overview and Design - PowerPoint Presentation given at the November 14, 2010 Train-the-Trainer Workshop conducted at Iowa State University

Bug Report

The bug report is an attempt to capture and highlight known bugs in the GG software. GG administrators should be aware of these bugs. In many cases, workarounds are provided which are recommended until the bugs are handled.
(.pdf) (.docx)

Language Guide

This guide explains implementing a language other than English. This document is useful for organizations considering changing the GRIN-Global interface to reflect their preferred language.
(.pdf) (.docx)

Administrator Guide

Download this document if you are responsible for managing the GRIN-Global system (either on a network or on a stand-alone PC). The document explains how to configure users and security permissions, modify dataviews, establish table mappings, etc. (Users working in a networked environment can usually ignore this guide unless they have been granted GRIN-Global administrative privileges.)
(.pdf) (.docx)

Source Habitat Observations and Descriptors

Five new tables provide an extremely flexible method for adding more detailed information about the collection site which was not possible with 1.0’s single accession_source table. Now genebank personnel can use the custom source habitat descriptors for an unlimited amount of detail on the collection site.
(.PDF) (.docx)

(Excel workbook of sample descriptors)(Primarily for Administrators)These descriptors can be loaded into a GG system for organizational use. (.xlsm)

Cookbook for Data Importing Using the Admin Tool's Import Wizard

Overview and background information on the Admin Tool's Import Wizard. The Import Wizard facilitates the loading of many records (“bulk loading of data”) into GRIN-Global. Intended for GRIN-Global administrators.

The Import Wizard is handy for the initial loading of data into a new GG system, but it is not recommended for use in an ongoing, production environment.
(.pdf) (.doc)

Administrator's Quick Guide for Adding Users

This document summarizes the basic considerations needed when establishing new UserIDs as well as general security considerations. Intended for GRIN-Global administrators.
(.pdf) (.docx)

Administrator's Guide for Connecting Crystal Reports with GRIN-Global Data

Explains how to connect an existing Crystal Reports report with GRIN-Global data.
(.pdf) (.docx)

Translating & Tools Guide

This guide recommends tools for translating the documentation as well as creating and editing of graphics.
(.pdf) (.docx)