Searching the Database (Overview)
In general, searches are of four types; search by...
- specific accession - by its name or accession identifier (Example: PI 123456)
- lists of accessions
- taxa
- traits ("Descriptors" (alternatively, "characteristics," "observations," "evaluations")
Generally, in searches, when unsure of the exact spelling, use wildcards.
There are three levels of sorting of the output of the GRIN-Global public website:
1. Highest weighted field hits first (genus hits before others)
2. PI’s before Non-PIs*
3. Most recent received accessions listed first
* - PI is the primary prefix used by the NPGS. Other organizations using GRIN-Global may replace the PI with their primary prefix. GG administrators can find out more details in the user Search Guide on the GG documentation website.
Wildcards: Searching with wildcard characters
If you embed your searches within %age signs or (*) asterisks (wild cards) you will be setting up a "wider net." Besides the (% or *) wildcards which represent any number of characters, you can use the (underscore character), which represents any single character. More details